Game Engine Comparison
It’s another CS Club meeting, and this week we’re covering one of the most fun topics in computer science—game dev! Like many people, I first became interested in programming through video games. Soon I wanted to make my own! But how? It seems like such a challenge to go from lines of code to a fully-fledged game. So probably your first game lo... Read More
Introduction to Cryptography
This is the second article of a series. The first article, “How the Internet Works (And Why HTTPS is Better)”, can be found here. What is Encryption? Encryption is the process of encoding information with some algorithm. The resulting ciphertext can only be decoded, or decrypted into plaintext by authorized parties. If you don’t know how to re... Read More
How the Internet Works (And Why HTTPS is Better)
This is the first article of a series. The second article, “Introduction to Cryptography”, can be found here. Web Protocols Websites. You probably use them every day. You’re on a website right now! Your web browser uses various protocols to load webpages. It uses the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol to convert the webpage’s domain name, http... Read More
Web Dev - HTML/CSS Intro
Introduction Hey Group B! This meeting introduces the basics of HTML and CSS. It’s the first meeting of a series, with the goal of building your own personal website! If you’re interested in learning how, then make sure to come to our meetings! We explored some fundamentals of web development in our previous meeting Web Development Concepts, s... Read More
Discord Bot First Prototype
Welcome to the fourth meeting of group B! In this meeting, we’ll go through the core functionality of our code runner Discord bot. First Prototype The first prototype of our code runner Discord bot has been completed! It has the core functionality outlined in the previous meeting of security, performance, and language support using the code e... Read More
Discord Bot Plan
Welcome to the third meeting of group B! In this meeting, we’ll be discussing the plan for the upcoming Discord bot series. Idea Over the next few weeks, we’ll be creating a Discord bot in the programming language Go that will allow users to run code in Discord! It will take the code of the program and the input provided to the code, and will... Read More
Introduction to Web Development
Welcome to the second meeting of group B! What is Web Development? Websites. You probably use them every day. You’re on a website right now! What are they though? And how can you make websites? A website is a collection of web pages that are available to the Internet or an intranet. A web page is a document written in HTML, styled in CSS, and... Read More
Introduction to Software Development
This is the first Group B meeting of Woodlands Computer Science club! What is Software Development? Software development is the process of designing, programming, documenting, and testing software. Software is a set of instructions that determines what your computer hardware executes. All of the programs you use are software. Your web browse... Read More
Programming Fundamentals
Welcome to the fourth lesson of Woodlands Computer Science! What Are Functions? Functions in programming are a set of instructions grouped together to achieve a specific task. You can pass data into a function (known as function parameters) and the function can return data. You’ve already seen functions - Python has built-in functions that we... Read More
A Deeper Dive into Python
Welcome to the third lesson of Woodlands Computer Science! We’ll be taking a deeper dive into Python in this lesson by exploring for loops, while loops, lists, and dictionaries. Review In the last meeting, we covered: User input and output Booleans Conditional statements Indentation Else statements Last week’s ... Read More
Introduction to Programming
Welcome to this Python programming tutorial! Review Last time, we covered: What is computer science? Different programming languages Installing Python/IDLE Writing and running your first line of code Some programming basics: Variables Strings Integers Operators Today, we’re go... Read More